While the genetic code has become an artistic medium by itself today, biotech-art is situated in precarious relations of economical dependenance, affirmation of technology and criticizing a genetic governmentality. Starting from an art, that uses itself the tools of biotechnology and genetics for its art-production, the exhibition reflects on artistic positions towards the new Life Sciences and presents strategies of criticizing an uprising bio-regime. Is the one, who has the artist's gene', fit for the society of risks? Today the conflict/debate about the meanings of genetics and biotechnology is conducted in theentire cultural sphere. However in the field of the fine arts a fundamental critic of biotechnology and its political and social effects seems to fall behind a mostly affirmative and spectacular approach. The exhibition tries to counter this developement. It will not only recapitulate the general relation of art and (life) sciences, but tries to pose some fundamental questions with its selected artworks, its essays that are published in a catalouge and its program of discussions and presentations. These questions are related to the spheres of popular culture, law, economy and ethics as well as to the spheres of security and warfare. They refer to the public discourse of genetic determinism, racism, eugenics as well as to new concepts of an individualizing health-management and the related effects on the individual subject with its concept of self view more: Pictures of the exhibition Put on your Blue Genes amongst others with: The Agency, Suzanne Anker, Critical Art Ensemble, Reiner Maria Matysik, Tissue Culture & Art Project, Paul Vanouse, Virgil Wong Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst